Monday, April 27, 2009

Books you must have in your library (Part 1)

I would like to share with you some of the greatest 'must read' books i have read. Over the weekend i visited my favourite bookshop to check if they had new titles from my favourites authors, i was disappointed to find nothing new, however, it was a blessing in disguise as i stumbled upon a very good book by one of my forgotten favourite author Frank Yerby called the 'Man from Dahomey'.  I read this book more than four times when i was in high school, and read it again three times when i was in college. Its a great book, which i think everyone should read. Frank Yerby's writing style is similar to the great Nigerian Author Achinua Achebe whose pen prowess is out of this world.

The list of great books i am going to share with you cuts across different genres. I have personally benefited immensely from these literal works.These books have contributed significantly to my personal growth, and i believe you will also benefit immensely by reading any one of them.
Spiritual Life
1. Celebration of Discipline ‐ Richard Foster
2. Walking with Christ in the Details of Life ‐ Patrick Morely
1. The Bible
2. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Leadership – Donald T. Phillips
3. Developing the Leader Within You ‐ John C. Maxwell
Marriage & Family
1. His Needs ‐ Her Needs ‐ Willard Harley
2. If Only He Knew ‐ Gary Smalley
Personal Growth
1. Today Matters – John C. Maxwell
2. Winning With People – John C. Maxwell
To get any of these life changing books, feel free to visit ebook.
Happy reading 

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